
Posessions and dying

When you die what will you take with yourself?´´Vikas Malkani
It is an interesting question, that if we sit and think about we can take nothing but ourselves. All the material things we strive for and things that we love will be left behind. Yes it is good to have something to leave to friends and family, personal posessions that we love. The strive for the biggest house, the latest car and all kinds of things, will remain we move on to another life, so Is it not better to strive for less and enjoy the life we have.


Susan Tuttle said...

So very poignant. I often find myself saying "Can't take it with you."

One of the reasons my husband and I moved to Maine was to simplify our lives and focus more on relationships and nature, and less on material things. We moved from Boston where it seemed everyone was always trying to "keep up with the Jones." Maine is a refreshing change that reflects our values.

Thanks for the great post.



Thankyou Susan and the tranquility has bought you creativity, something money can´t buy

Anonymous said...

Hello, hello :o) I am so glad you came by my blog. This post is so true and really makes one think. Lately I have been feeling this way and always asking myself 'do i really need this or just want it'(did that make sense, lol). I do know that I enjoy every second with my familiy and all of the love that there is as that is what I will always remember and take with me. Have a great day :o)


Thanks Audrey for your post, I think at one stage of our life we all want things, but for many they suddenly see the light as they look around, precious untouchable things. Family, the ability to give and receive love,small things can create a happiness within us so fulfilling.