
Sowing Seeds

Sometimes an idea or thought is like sowing a seed in a garden, with care and with love it will flourish. The growth of an idea or thought is not a simple path, but the struggle against and overcoming of problems, the belief and commitment , the end result gives a great fulfilment. Small ideas or thoughts can provide pleasure and experience, and a satisfaction in what you have accomplished. We are talking of spiritual things and not great money making schemes, that create stress and the need for power. Cultivate your idea into something beautiful that you and others can appreciate.



Life and all that lives was concieved
within the mist and not within the crystal.
Who knows that a crystal is a mist in decay.



The feeling of "something is missing in your life" is something we all feel at some stage in our life.
For some it is the materialistic goals that we are forever chasing, whilst others who may not have found love, the missing piece is their soulmate, or "the other half of the orange". The childless mother, for whatever reason, there are many who experience this sensation of a void in their life....and some may never find it. Its a strong sensation to which there is no direct answer.
For many who are content with their life and what they have, and still experience this feeling, have searched within themselves spiritually, beliefs, new ideas, new ways of living, meditation and changes in the way one thinks, have found that this alleviates the sensation.
It is for us to open our mind and journey within ourselves.