
Full moon rising

Three days before and three days after a new moon, we may discover that we feel tired and without energy, less inspired and need to sleep more. This is because it is a period of low cosmic energy, and this affects us all to one extent or another. If we become tired easily during this period, then we should rest and not try to cross any obstacles on our path, or take important decisions. If our body tells us to rest then we should respect that, for if we do not take care, we could make a wrong decision or lower our immunity to illness.

Likewise during the full moon, there is an excess of cosmic energy, which may cause us to feel agitated, tense and not sleep well, this is a good time to exercise or meditate, to keep us on track during this time.Once we adapt and understand the moons effect on us at certain times, so we gain an understanding, of how and why we feel the way we do at times.



Take time to respire well. Breath in the fresh air of summer and allow it to to flow through you creating new energies. Exhale the tiredness and stress left in your body from the winter months and things that blocked your progress. Relax and absorb the vitamins and energy from the sun and open your mind to inspiration. Be at peace with yourself