

As we wander down the rocky road of life, we discover new things, we learn of others and their hardships...that make us realise things are not so bad for us ...there are many much worse off than ourselves. If only occasionally we could stop and observe...and offer a hand to one who is suffering. We also learn of those who are wealthy and have all available to them....except perhaps true happiness. Money sometimes attracts the wrong kind of people, but we learn as we travel on, and we come across sickness, people that have so little time and yet they open their hearts to you, and we learn that if we become chronically ill and time isn´t on our side, we can still be happy and make the most of what time we have left. Continuing our path we reflect on ourselves and see that sometimes we may have offended or been cruel to others....we may have walked past the hungry person in the street, or not bother to see if a sick neighbour needs help...and we learn. Each day and every minute of our journey we are learning ...our problem is ...some do it better than others.
There is always time to change.

1 comment:

MADHU RAO | (INDImag.COM) said...

Nice thoughts, stumbled your site en route my cyber journey( Browsing :) )...